I'm sitting in a small
hotel room, perfectly comfortable, with a choice of three porn channels which
you have to wade through in order to get to the other more family
oriented Japanese channels, showing quizzes in garish colours and
advertising food. I'm wearing white slippers and a flowery dressing
gown courtesy of the Hotel... (the mind boggles) In fact I quickly gave up on
the telly and am listening to extremely romantic violins and a harp on the
radio. The tie did not help to get me upgraded at the airport. I had to check in with a
machine and it wasn't able to appreciate the care I had taken with my
appearance. On the plane I was looked after very well. My neighbour on the
flight was an old lively Japanese lady with a videofilming
husband in tow, who was only interested in the wing of the aircraft.
(What is it with these men?) The lady and I could not understand a word the
other said, but this did not deter her at all and she would happily
smile at me every now and then, rattling on and grabbing both my
hands while laughing. I would laugh as well, of
course, knowing through my wonderful sense of occasion, that there
was something to laugh about.
First impressions of
Kyoto are very confusing. Never having been as far away from home as
this and reeling from not having slept for God knows how long while
nosediving into jetlag, this may not quite be the surprise it should be. The most immediate thing you
notice is that very little goes through the ground, probably because of
earthquakes and such, so Kyoto has a powerful wirescape
with impressive pylons supporting all manner of electrical stuff accompanying
the length of each very straight street and obscuring the sky. The wide
streets have wide pavements on which cyclists jostle with pedestrians. The
narrow streets are so narrow they don't have pavements at all and you find
yourself in competition with cars, which are all extremely understanding and
polite. Taxi's are impressive with beautifully
decorated interiors with white lace trimmings. I also adore the
bicycles, they are small and elegant with relatively large wheels set far
apart and intricate and delicate breaking systems combined with
complicated stands. Most of them have beautifully shiny chrome
mudguards covering the back wheel which mostly does not have to support a
baggage carrier. Their bikes are saddled lower than ours so that the cyclist
is suspended between the wheels, rather than balancing far above
them as we tend to be. I would love to import one. For the rest the Japanese
appear even better than we are at destroying their cultural
heritage. Here and there you see the glorious old traditional houses,
but they are all under pressure, either from cowboy developers who want
big and shiny or quite simply from a very generous dousing of extraordinarily
bad taste in modernising them.
Also I have never been in
such a big city before. You might think Kyoto is only a city of 1,5 million people, but that is taking the administrative
border that defines the city rather too seriously. From the moment I entered
the (extremely comfortable) train from Kansai Airport (which,
architecturally, was worth all the trouble and more...) to the
moment I descended in Kyoto one and three quarter hours later, I saw
only buildings and a few miserable urban rice fields squashed
between them. Far away in the distance there were mountains which looked
green enough, but the place appears, from the train anyway,
completely urbanised. Osaka merging into Kyoto, one gigantic urban
agglomeration. Amazing, never seen anything like it. The ticket collector
dutifully bowed as he entered the carriage to check our tickets very kindly
and deftly and bowed again as he left for the next carriage. On leaving Kyoto
station the train cleaners who time themselves at their job and who do not
leave the train until collectively given a sign at which they all shoot into
action, stood at the end of the platform in a formal row waving us away as if
we were royalty. I think I'm going to have fun here... The evening was more
difficult I became tired and could not decide on a place to eat, so I bought
green tea and sushi from a local supermarket which I am now eating as I
write. Very nice.... |
Sightseeing restroom |